hey pumpkins..happy halloween

Clarification Note: The image in the post was crafted in cooperation with Midjourney AI, which followed my prompts.

A brave new world - a post-AI Halloween celebration. A dead serious chill - the day of the living.


To my surprise, not everyone got the humor of this post. So here’s an explanation by ChatGPT:

'The humor here comes from flipping Halloween traditions and adding a futuristic twist. Halloween usually celebrates the "Day of the Dead," but in this "post-AI" world, skeletons are now the ones chilling out and watching humans, dressed as dolls like Barbie and Ken, put on a show. This “day of the living” implies that the roles have been reversed—it's the undead who are now relaxed spectators of humanity, which is cleverly ironic.

Also, "A dead serious chill" plays with the double meaning of "dead" and "chill," implying both relaxation and a spooky vibe, fitting for a Halloween scene.'